soccer souvenirs
variations of tin
Deutsch English
Schnabel-Zinn - Die Welt des Zinns Die neue Linie - Die Welt der Ehrenpreise

Club requirements

from pins to key pendants...

also available with your club motif

from metal posts to pewter goblets...>

also available with your club motif

We provide custom-made products
at a minimum order of 300 pieces
(all rights reserved)

You can also get two-sided medals,
e.g. your team on the front, the other team on the back.

Please send us your motif,
we will provide advise and submit an offer.

Artur Schnabel GmbH
Gablonzer Ring 49
87600 Kaufbeuren-Neugablonz

Telefon: +49 8341 62206
Telefax: +49 8341 61375

We provide custom-made products
at a minimum order of 300 pieces
(all rights reserved)

Please send us your motif,
we will provide advise and submit an offer.

Die neue Linie GmbH
Steinbacher Str. 54
90559 Burgthann-Ezelsdorf

Telefon: +49 9188 664
Telefax: +49 9188 3230

© 2005, 2008 by GMS * German Manufacturers of Souvenir
For further information please contact * Imprint